Basic Soft Gym and Fitness Centers System

BasicSoft System for Gyms and Fitness Centers

Fitness Program and System – Gym Systems – Sports Clubs

Some features of the system:

  1. Register new members or edit information for existing members.
  2. Add weekly health check-ups for members.
  3. Track subscriptions and payments based on different subscription categories.
  4. Freeze, activate, extend, or cancel subscriptions.
  5. Print subscription cards with photos for each member, supporting smart cards.
  6. Comprehensive reports for both trainees and trainers, continuous tracking of training programs, adding and printing training programs.
  7. Reports on zeroing out.
  8. Entry reports by date.
  9. Subscription information, including type, duration in days, and price.
  10. Ability to add payments, with details on discounts, amounts owed, and payments made.
  11. Members can inquire about their subscriptions through a dedicated member screen.
  12. Multiple user permissions defined by the system administrator.
  13. Ability to print data (health check, training agreement).
  14. Ability to add training programs for members.
  15. Renew subscriptions.
  16. Issue and print cards for members.

Daily backup at any time to protect data from loss.

Continuous technical support of all types.